Chickens are happy when they can run on grass.
Apple blossoms in spring.
Fall is probably the most beautiful season. Our little greenhouse is not heated, but we extend our season by about two months.
Below is our prize winning veggie display at the Markham Fair:
The Flag of our family origin: Bavaria, the agricultural area close to the mountains in Germany.
Snapping Turtle laying its eggs on the roadside at our farm gate. A sign of our diversity and healthy environment. Let's treasure it!
Our newborn Hereford Calf "Tommy" likes the attention.
This hen hatched some eggs and the kids are all excited.
Digging out after a snowfall with the tractor mounted snow blower.
Wetlands, conifers, and hardwood forest look mystical on a winter morning
BELOW: In 2010 we received first prize for our hay bale "Monster Truck" creation.
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