Small and Local
Why Naturally Grown Grass Fed is Better and Healthier…
In the past 30 years food from grocery stores has lost a lot of
its hearty flavour and wholesome health. Why is that? Food producers have to
make a living on declining profits and they mass produce food at the lowest
possible prices. I don’t blame them. They have to compete for price.
Mass Production Needs Food Additives
Commercial cattle, the meat you can get in the grocery stores, is
raised in huge feedlots on a high powered diet of corn and soy without adequate
space for exercise. The conditions are so crowded that cattle are constantly
exposed to parasites and diseases. They require supplementation of
antibiotics, growth hormones, and minerals. To make some profit, cattle
must be market ready in 16 months. The weight gain can be over 4 lbs per day!
No wonder that this kind of meat doesn’t taste like it should. It lost its rich
flavour and we aren’t sure how healthy this can be.
How Healthy Can This Beef Be?
To top it off, commercial cattle is crammed into trucks and
shipped long distance to the meat packing plants. Once in the plant the animals
are exhausted and in a panic. Meat from stressed animals does not tenderize
well. During processing beef rarely gets hung long enough to allow for natural
processes tenderizing the meat, because cold storage is expensive.
We Didn’t Want To Feed This Kind Of Meat To Our Children.
We raise our animals ethically, the way they
naturally live. Outdoors in a small herd. They move all day foraging on
grasses, legumes and herbs. This forage mix is rich in vitamins, nutrients and
fibre to raise strong and healthy cattle. The calves nurse from the cows for
about 8 months while they learn to take grass and hay. In winter they often
chose to stay out in the snow and eat the hay we harvest from our fields.
Fresh Grass and Hay – Scientifically Proven
Healthier Beef.
We ask our butcher to hang the beef extra long to cure and
tenderize the meat naturally. This "dry-ageing" preserves the
flavour and reduces the water content of the meat. We don’t “corn feed” the
cattle to boost additional fat growth. We want healthy nutrition, not profit.
Agriculture Canada's website states:
"In addition to the nutrients associated with conventional beef, grass-fed beef contains higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA); both of which are beneficial to health. Emerging science suggests that CLA may have antioxidant and anticancer properties. Some preliminary studies have also found that CLA improves blood lipid profiles, which affects such things as heart health, cholesterol and diabetes, and may reduce body fat in animals and humans.
More research is needed to confirm these potential health benefits but initial results are promising."
We are not certified organic. We are too small with only a few
cattle and chickens.
Organic certification is quite expensive and requires a lot of
bureaucracy. We know what we feed and invite you to check us out. We eat what
we produce and only sell what's left over. Come out and see for yourself.
To your good health!
Ernst and Krista.
Our small herd of cattle is happy grazing all year round.

Pumpkin harvest in the fall is always exciting for the entire family.